Битката при Ахело̀й се е състояла на на 20 август 917г. край река Ахелой, между българските войски, водени от цар Симеон I Велики и войските на Византия, водени от магистър Лъв Фока. България печели решителна победа. Това сражение е сред най-грандиозните битки за цялото европейско Средновековие. В него вземат участие над 120 000 души.orologi replica
Implantology A dental implant is a screw that update the basis of a missing tooth. The branch of dentistry that deals with those obligations is referred to as implantology. Fixed and Removable Dentures (Prosthodontics) In cases in which natural enamel are not in good aesthetic and characteristic or are incomplete, fixed or removable prosthesis created within the laboratory... All-On-Four Implant System If you haven't any tooth to your mouth and want a fixed prosthesis, repliky hodinek the "all on 4" implant-prosthesis method is the quality alternative for you. Periodontology It is a branch of dentistry which offers with the diseases of gingiva and tissues across the root (periodontal ligaments, alveolar bone and cement).